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Masonisms just before his 8th birthday.

My child has always been pretty comical but over the last couple weeks, he has had some serious doozies come out of his mouth that have made me belly laugh, scoff at and render me completely speechless. If you know me, I don't have to tell you how big this is.

Last year, living in Texas, every day after school was the same "How was your day?" followed by "Well I didn't get in trouble today, so I survived." Since moving back to Kansas, every day I pick him up from school and every day after asking about his day, I get "It was TERRIFIC!!!!" His attitude on life and positivity are such a contagious ray of sunshine. The things he says are starting to be a little more sarcastic, a little more "big kid" and less "childish", and a little more comical in different ways they used to be.

So the other night, he gets out of the shower, which by the way, does anyone else's 8 year old boy actually dry off?! It's like a beached whale in that bathroom every time he gets out and then it's just small puddles in a trail to his bedroom followed by him still dripping as he crawls up on the couch to read before bed. Drives me insane. Anyway- he gets out, throws the door open in zero modesty fashion and announces to the world that he's done. So naturally, my response is "uh great little man, go get dressed AND DRY YOURSELF OFF!!!!" So he (laughing at himself and his own hilarity) says.."No! Like fork me, I'm done! I just took a shower so hot, my legs are like chicken breasts!"

This past weekend, his biological father comes up to see him and while admittedly, he doesn't see his father as much as he'd like, he also has no filter. The verdict is still out on where he got that trait. "A" had gone to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the McGregor vs. Mayweather fight and I stayed behind to take care of my infant nephew and of course, the boy after he got back. So we're sitting around talking and discussing siblings when I mentioned that my nephew's dad is just awesome! We may not have gotten along much growing up in the same house but now, he is seriously one of my favorite people! Mason chimes in and says "Speaking of super awesome dads...." (To which the biological father gives him a high-five and gets all excited) and Mason continues "...Where's MINE?!" My face screamed "Oh bloody hell child, shut your mouth", immediately hidden by my hand. The ex's new girlfriend nearly dies laughing and the ex himself, well- you can imagine. Oh's true they'll embarrass the crap out of you at the absolute worst times.

Last night, I pick him up from school and we're discussing his birthday that's coming up in a couple of weeks. He'll be 8 so I was asking him what kind of cake he wanted. He suggests a Power Ranger cake. While I can hold my own under normal settings of baking and meal making, this was a stretch. I told him that I probably couldn't make a Power Ranger cake and in his unfailing belief in his mama, he says "It's ok mom, we'll go inside. We'll watch an episode and actually see what the red one looks like and you can do it." I said "Buddy, I know what they look like. Power Rangers first came out when I was your age. In his not so awesome awareness of time, he responds with "OH! Well then it should be in black and white!"

Hmm....a one-way ticket to Gigi's or history lessons and a timeline. Gosh, that's a tough decision for birthday presents this year.


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