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10 ways to use EOs I wish I knew when I started

I think we can all agree that Essential oils are the best thing that ever happened. But starting out can be a little lot scary. Which oils are best to use? Where do I put them? How much do I use? Where do I start? What are they for? AHHHHH!!!!!! It's mind boggling! As someone who has used EO's for about 3 years now, I've learned a few life hacks that have made my life both a hellish nightmare (see #1) and also a blissful dream. These are in no way, shape or form meant to cure you of any ailments, diagnose any of your symptoms or judge you on anything you currently do. But they are designed to be a life hack, should you choose to experiment with your current way of doing things and switch over. If it works for you- You're welcome. And if it doesn't? Well then hopefully you'll blame this bad advice on your mother in law and not me.

1. Epsom salt.
    I buy this at Costco. Yeah folks, it's that awesome. I enjoy an extremely hot bath at the end of a long day, or in the middle of the day if it's a particularly stressful one. However, I will say that I do NOT enjoy my arse and lady parts feeling like someone lit them on fire. I'm sure you wouldn't love it either as it's not particularly stress relieving. But that's exactly what's going to happen to you if you try to use essential oils in the bath with no epsom salts to cling to. The pain of this kind of torturous chemical burn is one I would frankly only recommend as punishment for terrorists and ex-husbands. The EO has to have something to bind to and that is where the salt comes in. Otherwise, it sits on top of the water and then clings to your skin. Just take my word on this and if it does happen to you- get out of the water, dry off and rub yourself down with olive or coconut oil. It may take you a 5 gallon bucket of either to finally relieve the pain but just keep rubbing. You'll be ok.

2. Wool Dryer Balls
     Not so fun fact. Dryer sheets are one of the most toxic household items you spend money on each month. That Spring Mountain scent is actually a whole plethora of chemical excitement designed to make your clothes smell great and still have just enough static cling to piss you off. Keep in mind that anything you put on your clothes then seeps into your largest organ- your skin. So all that chemical fun? Yep. Straight into you and your loved ones precious bodies.
      I recently found a better alternative- Wool Dryer Balls. I got mine off of Amazon because I'll be honest. I Amazon Prime EVERYTHING. While we're on the honesty train, the first few times you use these, you will have tiny fuzz balls on your clothes, this is just part of the wool settling. After about 4-5 loads, they'll tighten up and you won't have that problem anymore. But my favorite thing about these are that they're completely natural and you can put whatever oil/blend on them that you want to make your clothes smell just as citrus fresh as those old dryer sheets! I like to use 5 drops of Abundance on mine for a great smell and the attraction of positive abundance. I spread the drops out so it's 1 drop per ball and I let that go for 2-3 loads, then reapply.
Wool Balls save money as well because it reduces drying time. I learned this the hard way when my clothes kept coming out with more static than I could've ever imagined. Reduce the time you normally dry and not only will your clothes be dry quicker but the static problem won't happen anymore either.

3. Lashes
I used to be an eyelash picker. I was chronically tired, stressed or sitting at my desk and I was bored. So I would pick the mascara off my eyelashes and most of the time the eyelash would come out too. Terrible habit. Then I started using this mixture: 1 drop of lavender, 1 drop of cedarwood in your mascara, mix it around and apply like you would normally. Oils are naturally anti-bacterial & anti-viral so if you get a lot of eye infections from using your mascara too long, this little problem will possibly be eliminated as well. My lashes are so much thicker and longer now! And it helps that I don't pick them so much anymore...

4. Less is more
    One of the biggest things to remember when you're using oils is that less is more. 3-4 drops in the diffuser (unless you're using a recipe) will do the trick.
    As for on the skin- I have a dear friend who called me about a year or so ago, just after she started using the oils. She says "I think the oils are making all of us sick!" I said "Impossible! How much are you using?" She says "Oh, not much just 20-30 drops in the morning and sometimes at night." WHAT!?!?! No wonder! You're never going to have another microbe in your body again! EVER! Needless to say, after reducing the amount to 1-2 drops per application, she and her tiny family were perfect and loving the oils again.
  The oils are therapeutic grade and completely pure. They are potent and work well because of their potency. Using a lot is honestly just wasteful as they work perfectly in sync with only 1-2 drops, depending on the oil used.

5. "Hot" oils
    Peppermint and Cinnamon Bark. These are 2 that you must use a carrier oil with, especially if you're using them on children. However, I do not recommend you use these oils on kids under the age of 6 unless you've cleared it with a knowledgeable professional. These oils produce a tingling on the skin when used that children will find to be "hot". By using a carrier oil, it helps the oil work better, stay on your skin longer, and it will also dilute the oil just enough that it's not "hot". Now I will say that 1 drop of peppermint IN the belly button works WONDERS for my son's fevers. I started this when my son was about 5 and every time he's had a fever, I put just 1 drop in his belly button and make him lay real still. He doesn't need a carrier oil as you don't really even feel it when it's in the belly button but if it drips outside, you will need the carrier to cool it down. His fever has come down every time and that's including when he had Influenza A AND B last Spring.

6. So what's a carrier oil?
    There are so many great ones out there! My favorite carrier oils are coconut oil and olive oil. Young Living also makes a great V6 oil that's specifically designed for the use of being a carrier oil. 1 drop of oil and a couple drops of the carrier oil and you're in business.
     It's smart to keep some kind of carrier oil in a roller, inside a ziploc bag in your purse or pocket at all times. I used to work with a guy that would come to me quite frequently with headaches. I would give him a couple drops of peppermint to rub around the crown of his head and tell him to IMMEDIATELY go wash his hands (because I knew what was coming). He would leave my desk and about 3 minutes later, he'd be back. Tears streaming down his face like his best dog just died, hands all up in his eyes and telling me "It burns! It burns!!" Well of course it does ya dummy!

7. Carpet deodorizer.
    1 cup of baking soda and 15 drops of whatever oils you want your carpet to smell like. I enjoy purification and lemon for more of a fresh scent, cinnamon and clove in the fall, or even something simple like citrus fresh as a basic go-to. Put all this in a glass jar with a lid and jab holes in the top of the lid with a Phillips screwdriver. It's great therapy. Sprinkle on your carpet, wait about 10 minutes and vacuum up. Yay! Carpet that doesn't smell like feet anymore!

8. Roll-on help.
    I keep a roller blend of peppermint, lemon, lavender and a carrier oil in my purse at all times. I sell these for $17 a piece and they are amazing for things like when you're eating lunch with your kid at school and notice he has a huge rash up his arm that wasn't there yesterday. After inquiry, he tells you that he touched the neighborhood "creepy" cat...that he's allergic to! Or when you're getting eaten by a certain disgusting bloodsucking bug at the baseball game! Pure greatness that rolls on!

9. Creepy crawlies in the house.
    I'm not a fan of anything that crawls and comes to my home uninvited. Spray bottle with distilled water, 15 drops of cinnamon, clove and peppermint- send your 7 year old son on a "mission" to spray all the corners and baseboards and it should help. I'm not saying it'll completely get rid of an 8 legged infestation if you're 1 stack of crap away from an episode of hoarders but if it's just a normal seasonal bout of crawlies trying to find a home, this is a great go-to. I reapply once a week or so.

10. The ULTIMATE creepy crawly.
       If you're a mother or a teacher you know the one. That pink piece of paper that comes home and you automatically start itching...spray bottle, 20 drops of tea tree oil and about 10 drops of lavender, geranium or citrus fresh. Tea tree oil will be a deterrent and the other oil is of your choice just so it doesn't smell so strong.

I've been working on this short little list of home remedies for about two months now! There are so many things I do every day but it's just a better way of living now, I don't even think about it anymore. If you've read this far and you're interested in a few remedies that aren't mentioned, let me know! I'd love to tell you what I do for those or what I've heard others do. Thanks for reading! I can't wait to see how these life hacks work for you!


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