I think we can all agree that Essential oils are the best thing that ever happened. But starting out can be a little lot scary. Which oils are best to use? Where do I put them? How much do I use? Where do I start? What are they for? AHHHHH!!!!!! It's mind boggling! As someone who has used EO's for about 3 years now, I've learned a few life hacks that have made my life both a hellish nightmare (see #1) and also a blissful dream. These are in no way, shape or form meant to cure you of any ailments, diagnose any of your symptoms or judge you on anything you currently do. But they are designed to be a life hack, should you choose to experiment with your current way of doing things and switch over. If it works for you- You're welcome. And if it doesn't? Well then hopefully you'll blame this bad advice on your mother in law and not me. 1. Epsom salt. I buy this at Costco. Yeah folks, it's that awesome. I enjoy an extremely hot bath at the end of a long day...
Surviving life with immigration, parenting, second-marriages, travel and dripping sarcasm.